BECAUSE a truly enlightened educational environment provides and encourages research and discussion of a variety of viewpoints on major issues which impact society, and
BECAUSE in a civil society, citizens must analyze varying viewpoints objectively and must respect people who hold those viewpoints, and
BECAUSE educational institutions which allow conservative views to be marginalized or ignored are participating in an insidious form of sanctioned bullying, and
BECAUSE curriculums meant to address bullying represent an institutional hypocrisy and become ineffective when a group of people representing any specific point of view is marginalized,
THEREFORE academic freedom for students is to be vigorously protected and encouraged so that students have opportunity to study a subject without fear of reprisal or hindrance,
RESOLVED that the protection of a student’s academic freedom become a written part of all documents which identify professional ethics,
RESOLVED that failing to protect a student’s academic freedom is an act of insubordination subject to appropriate professional consequences. Clearly stated protection of a student’s academic freedom must become a part of all documents which identify professional ethics.