
Please feel free to use any of the following banners on your web page to link
Here’s how to cut and paste the HTML code into your web page:

  • Use your mouse to highlight the HTML code for the banner you would like to use.
  • Click on “Edit”, then on “Copy” on your browser’s menu.
  • Open your web page in a separate window using your favorite HTML editing program.
  • Click on “Edit”, then on “Paste” in your web page at the location you want the banner to appear.


If you don’t have access to your html, you can copy this link:

Or you can copy the image above and paste them into your site.

 Links of Interest 

 Ask Dr. Math
 Association of American Educators
 Brain Pop
 Conservative Teachers of America
 David Barton Historian
 David Barton Wallbuilders
 English Grammar 101
 English Grammar Daily Writings
 English Grammar Revolution/diagramming sentences

Improve Education
 Interactive Plasma
 Khan Academy 
 Kids Know IT
 Missouri Education Watchdog
 Missouri Education Watchdog
 NASA Imagine the Universe
 NASA Kids Club
 NASA Kids Earth Science
 NASA Kids Solar System
 Patriotic Moms
 Scientific Method
 We The People